Our paper about understanding collective action in a political subversive community has been accepted at the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2018). Currently preparing the camera ready version!
Presented at Poster about terrorist detection on social media at WVU/CITeR Biometrics Research Showcase
Social media and online communities have become increasingly popular. Nevertheless, these online spaces also invite undesirable behavior. Over the past couple of years they have also served as platforms of choice for…
Our paper about mobile money perceptions was accepted for CLIHC 2017!
The VIII Latin American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, CLIHC 2017, is a premier forum that brings together the Latin American and international HCI research communities to discuss and share ideas, methods, approaches…
Co-organized the workshop Digital Rights impact on ICTD Research for ICTD2017!
Co-organized the workshop “Digital Rights impact on ICTD Research: Considerations of the data privacy of many beneficiaries of ICTD interventions” for the International Conference on information Communication Technologies and Development 2017. ICTD2017.(Lahore,…
Trump supporters on reddit trying to ‘Make Europe Great Again’ ? Our article was just published by NewsWeek
Barack Obama supports Macron. Are Pro-Trump Trolls helping #LePen in French Election? Our work about pro-Trump supporters infiltrating the french elections was published by The Conversation and republish by Newsweek, DON’T forget…
Formally a Mentor for the Carnegie Mellon Heinz College Mentor Program!
The Heinz Mentor Program connects students with a mentor who provides wisdom about management leadership skills, career success factors, industry insight, and communication skills. Through the program, students are matched with either…
Our paper Social Media, Civic Engagement, and the Slacktivism Hypothesis: Lessons from Mexico’s “El Bronco”, made it to the Journal of International Affairs!
Our research appears in the “Cyber Security” Issue of the Journal of International Affairs, you can read it here
Our research about Wikipedia was mentioned on Wikipedia Signpost!
Wikipedia Signpost, a monthly overview of recent academic research about Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects, edited jointly with the Wikimedia Research Committee and republished as the Wikimedia Research Newsletter mentioned our research “LeadWise:…
Gave a talk at Build Peace 2016 in Zurich, Switzerland
I participated in the dialog with Mariam Barandia about what can peacebuilders and technologists can learn from each other about political and socio-cultural transformation!
Our paper Bring on Board New Enthusiasts! A Case Study of Impact of Wikipedia Art + Feminism Edit-a-thon Events on Newcomers has been accepted at SocInfo’16
Our paper Bring on Board New Enthusiasts! A Case Study of Impact of Wikipedia Art + Feminism Edit-a-thon Events on Newcomers has been accepted to the 8th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo’16) which…